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Uxbridge Squash and Racketball Club enters teams in both the Middlesex and Buckinghamshire and Berkshire Squash leagues.
This includes senior, vets and vintage squash teams in both summer and winter leagues and senior racketball teams in the winter league.

Squash leagues
Uxbridge have two teams playing in the Middlesex Senior Leagues and one team in the Buckinghamshire Senior Leagues.
Uxbridge also have one team in the Berkshire Veterans League
If you are keen to play team squash, contact New players are always welcome.

Middlesex racketball leagues
The Club play in the Middlesex Racketball Leagues.
New members are welcome.

Summer team squash
This internal summer competition is an excellent way to become familiar with team squash. It is also ideal for players with no interest in representing the Club at external squash league matches, but still enjoy team squash as well as new members wishing to get to know other players.
The competition is played each year commencing in June through to August with teams typically playing around 10 games.
Each team consists of four or five players graded to one of four levels. Each match consists of three games and players will play opponents of a similar standard. A handicap points system evens this out further to encourage close games.
Details of this tournament are published in May.
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